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Tile vault construction workshop

We will build together with the students a vaulted structure.

The workshop will consist in preparation (scaffolding, formwork, etc.), plaster mixing, preparation of lime mortar, cutting bricks, laying bricks. We will then assess its bearing capacity under static loading conditions.


Master Mason

Carlos Martín

Vault builder and master plasterer, he has been involved in the construction and restoration of more than 300 vaults to date. He is the founder of Bóvedas Hispanas, a company specializing in the construction and restoration of vaults, working on numerous projects, including some of the most important in Spain in the last 30 years. He is a Professor of vault workshops at a national and international level and the author of several publications on plaster and vaulted structures.

Outstanding works. Vaulted vault in the Chapel of the Seminary of the Santos Niños Justo y Pastor de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid); Structural vaults of the Aljibe of the castle of Jadraque (Guadalajara) and in the cellar of the Valdemonjas de Quintanilla (Valladolid); Gothic vaults in stone in the Monastery of Pelayos de la Presa (Madrid); Vaults and domes in the Colegio San Basilio Magno de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), in the Convent of San Juan de la Penitencia de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), in the sacristy of Loeches (Madrid) and in the Chapel of San Felipe de Novelda (Alicante). He has participated as a builder in the Venice Architecture Biennale of 2016, executing a contemporary vaulted ceiling in collaboration with MIT (Prof. John Ochsendorf), with the design of Sir Norman Foster.

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